Eamon - this year he received tractor. Eamon LOVES machines. He enjoys riding around in the car spotting farm equipment, construction vehicles and cranes. He has been able to identify various types for a long time. Whenever we go to Home Depot or the like, Eamon spends a long time riding the tractors. He really enjoys visiting his Uncle Jim and actually riding on a John Deere. The only thing better than tractors to Eamon is trains.
Aine - this year, she received a butterfly. Aine loves nature. When we went to the Butterfly Pavilion at the Desert Botanical Gardens, she was in awe. She would jump up and down and gigle in glee. She crouched down and studied the butterflys. One even climbed onto her shirt and then her shoe. We have visited the pavilion a few times to give her more opportunities to visit the butterflies. Now she will spot them on our walks as well as in our yard.