
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Change of Plans

When the day started, our schedule was full. Milk pickup and a trip to the farmers market followed by a playdate at a friend's home. Playing would then lead into time in the car running a few more errands. It would be busy.

We left the house before eating breakfast to get our milk. Usually my milk run is done before Dave leaves for work, but he went into work early. The kiddos bundled up and we set off. It was uneventful. Once home, we ate some yummy grub and set off again to the market. I had not been to this particular farmers' market, but our friends go every week. I figured it would be a good introduction to the market and the kiddos would see friends. I also secretly hoped to snag a market basket from one of the vendors (the basket seems to be a marker for our homeschooling group, and it is cool).

We pulled up to the market, and the kiddos squealed with delight at seeing so many of their pals. They started running around the grassy area. They wanted to walk around the water feature until one of their friends fell into the fountain and it was really cold. It was madness of the best kind. The mamas were talking near the fishhugger tent. He and his family are also homeschoolers. He loves having the kiddos running around his area and checking out his baskets (I told you already about the baskets). After buying a basket for myself and a smaller one for both Aine and Benton, we set off for our real goal - kale.

The market has one big produce vendor. It isn't all local, but most of it is. It is all organic, and reasonably priced. Everyone working that stall was so kind, but apparently all the kiddos were driving one other shopper a bit crazy (or so I overheard). We ended up with a bit more than our kale. Eamon, Aine and Benton each collected a few items. We had beets, radishes, apples, parsnips, carrots and a butternut squash. While paying, Benton became upset over the purchasing process and threw his basket and food on the floor. After paying I picked him up and settled back into the grassy area. After much talk, he calmed down. He really wanted his basket contents to be weighed together in the basket. He understands now, but is not truly convinced that his way was not better.

The day went a bit awry at that point. Each of the kiddos had a struggle with hitting or unkind behavior. I decided to pull the plug and change our plans for the day. I talked with the mom and children with whom we had planned our playdate. We all agreed that playing could wait for another day when everyone was having a better day. I even said that it was my point of view on the day. I just didn't want to spend the day frustrated and angry with the behaviors. I wanted us to focus our energy elsewhere.
We headed home. It was the best decision. Once home, we settled into our rhythm again. I pulled out the simple supplies for graham cracker houses. Eamon was disappointed that we didn't have real gingerbread like last year. His feelings of disappointment faded once the assembly began. There was much candy consumption and hilarity throughout the process. Eamon came up with a porch design that was quickly adopted by the younger crowd. Each has a specific look for their house.
When the houses were complete, we settled in for some stories, holiday movies and crafting. Dinner was a delicious soup, green chicken chili. With full bellies, we settled into bed and listened to our next installment of The Cinnamon Bear. The kiddos fell asleep and I finished up the mitts I had been knitting. It was a good day, although it was not what we had planned.


  1. Your day sounds wonderful. I love days that turn out so well and weren't at all planned.
    Oh, and your mitts look great too.

  2. How wonderful that you turned the day around :) Sometimes plans just do not work out and you were clever enough to go with the flow!! The houses look yummy :)

  3. sounds like you made the most of the day :) and you got your basket! i have a few in different sizes and love them to bits!

  4. Sometimes a change of plans is the very best plan. Sounds like you guys had a great day!

  5. Mmhmm. Sometimes it needs to be turned around. Love when it works out better!! :)

    I think we're at gingerbread people today. I don't have a house kit yet, this year... wonder if I should try to make house walls from scratch??? hmmmmm....

  6. your new market sounds like fun:)I love your gloves!

  7. What a day! it still sounds busy even without the play date! Looks like it was a beautiful one though. xo m.

  8. green chicken chili sounds awesome! love your mitts

  9. It's nice to know that even though there were hiccups, the day ended nicely.

