
Monday, February 06, 2012

Quiet Days

I have been waking early these past few weeks. While everyone stills sleeps, the house is quiet and I have a few minutes to just think. I treasure this time by myself. Instead of leaving to go to the gym or run through the neighborhood, I have been sitting. Most of the time is spent catching up on the internet, reading or knitting. Often I brew myself a cup of tea as well. I enjoy so much of our time together. I would not trade my family togetherness for anything else in the world. However, I do so need a bit of time alone with just my thoughts to keep me company.


  1. I so understand! I need my quiet time in the morning before the demands of the day take over. It's something I guard closely and thankgoodness my family understands.
    Have a great Monday.

  2. i have that time at night once everyone is finally asleep. i need that time to recharge and reset for the next day and ponder what happened that day.

  3. You have just described my mornings!! I love that first 1-2 hours before my husband wakes up. Even Frodo is sleeping :)

  4. Heather, I usually have that time at night but there is something wonderful about having it in the morning. When this happens for me by chance, I love it! I also need to have some time to myself each day.

  5. It's so good you've found these moments for yourself, it truly is as important as healthy food and proper sleep. You can't give to others if your depleted. Enjoy your quiet time!

  6. Quiet moments are indeed a treat. Although now I'm wishing for a gym or a run outside while I try to shed some baby pounds. But even so, I enjoy my quiet moments much more than my athletic ones :) (I wasn't able to post a comment under my typepad account, so here I am:
