
Thursday, June 14, 2012


While writing our latest bunch of postcards, I noticed a few comments about the rain. Our family is very unaccustomed to this meteorological event! This week it was overcast and raining on our usual park day. Undeterred we travelled to the park anyway. Amid the light showers and harder rainfall, the kiddos played. We were the only ones playing at the park, so they enjoyed unfettered access to everything. The skating area was free, so they slid down the ramps without having to leave so skateboarders could use them. They built traps in the sand, marking the covered holes with a large "X" and laughing when they lured their mother onto a trap (don't worry the traps were dismantled before we left). Swinging, running, jumping in puddles and playing hard were all part of our own private park day in the rain.


  1. So glad you didn't let the rain get in the way of fun! And what a good mama... falling into their little traps. :) One of my absolute favorite all-time memories with my boys was letting them strip to their undies and enjoy a homemade mud/grass/water slip-n-slide in our side yard in the rain.

  2. Never be deterred by a little rain. As you probably know, when we get a good monsoon rain here is Arizona, the kids run outside and literally dance in it!

  3. sounds like a wonderful adventure :)

  4. when i grew up in oregon you either played in the rain outside or you spent 75% of your life inside. LOL
