
About Me

I am a daughter.
I am a sister to two brothers and one sister.
I am a wife to an amazing man whom I have known for 17 years.
I am a mother to three children whom I am honored to know.
I am a homeschooler.
I am a friend.
I am lucky enough to be part of a tribe of women who are amazing mothers.
I am a bicycler on a beach cruiser with a huge basket.
I am a hiker who knows a bit about her environs and is willing to share its beauty.
I am a gardener who tries to grow green things in the desert.
I am a baker who loves chocolate chip cookies above all else.
I am a knitter who has yet to knit herself a sweater knit herself two sweaters. loves to knit everything.
I am a seamstress who learned while young and learned to love it a bit later.
I am a crafter.
I am more comfortable behind the camera.
I am a doer.
I am a dreamer.

Occasionally you will find links here of books we have read, places we have gone and products we have used. If I receive any compensation for these links I will tell you. As an affiliate with Amazon, our family does receive a small commission on items you buy through those links.