
Monday, January 28, 2013


It has been a very slow three days. On Friday I found myself with a very sore back. I had been rolling around with the boys tickling them when I did something horrific to my back. Whatever I did was debilitating. I could hardly walk. Nevertheless we headed to the park. I wasn't going to let back pain slow me down. After many hours at the park, most of which was spent hobbling and whining to my friends, I decided I had a problem.

Once home, I crawled into bed. My mom and Dave helped me out with medication and back rubs. I didn't even knit. I just laid there moaning. Saturday saw much of the same. Dave headed out for adventures with the kiddos, while I stayed home in bed. This time I was able to knit and finished another pair of slippers as well as work on the second legwarmers. It was a long slow day, and it was so hard. I am not one to just sit. Sunday was much better, but I had to take it slowly. Laundry was done and preparations were made for our upcoming trip. In between bouts of productivity I had to slow down and rest. My back was telling me when I did too much. It has been a not too subtle reminder to listen to my body and just go slow.


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    i know it isn't easy but your body is sending you a message, go slow. sink into rest my friend. hope your back is better soon!

  2. Take care of yourself dear Heather. I don't have back problems, but my husband does [he broke his back in his twenties], so I do empathize.
    Lots of rest and I hope some more knitting.

  3. Heather I am so sorry - I hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. oh heather! take good care, i hope your back is better really soon, are you taking arnica? it's helped me in times like this.

  5. Ah yes. I can relate. Take care.

  6. I do hope you feel better soon. Back injuries are so so painful!! Sending you healthy positive vibes your way.

  7. Take care, dear Heather, and rest well. Back troubles are no fun. Dan deals with a lot of pain and it's always the time to rest, rest, rest, and heal. xoxo

  8. Dawn FP1:02 AM

    Go see a Chiropractor! I couldn't live without mine.
