
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Theater

Last summer my mom and I hatched a plan to purchase tickets for the 2014-15 Broadway Season. Many years ago, before the arrival of my children, we attended single performances such as Cats, Rent, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables together. I thought the performances this season would be a nice way to spend time together that didn't involve handling household details after my father's death.

Three shows into the season I am so glad I splurged on these tickets. It has been delightful going to dinner and a musical with my mom. We meet and drive together chatting about our weeks without the interruptions of duty or obligation. In the theater we discuss sets, lighting and the performance as well as the people around us. We craft stories for the other theater goers and laugh at our musings. The evening ends with a laugh as we part to return to our homes, eagerly anticipating the next show and our time together.

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